Our Mission:

  • Encourage a safer boating environment on Dixie Lake with maps, signage, and communication
  • Foster relationships and camaraderie in our lake community with various social events and media
  • Collect and act upon ideas to maintain or improve values of all properties with lake access
  • Provide a voice for water quality treatment and maintenance of structures in our lake (spillway, boat ramp)
  • Organize and fund efforts to manage wildlife in and around Dixie Lake (fish stocking, Goosebusters)
  • Enhance lake-related communication via meetings, newsletters, emails, Facebook page, and our website

New residents: Welcome to Dixie Lake! Contact DLHA at [email protected] to add your email address to our distribution list. Consider attending an upcoming meeting to learn about opportunities to participate in the Dixie Lake community.  Follow us on Facebook to receive Dixie Lake news and updates.

DLHA annual membership dues: $20

Please send 2024 dues to:

P O Box 74
Davisburg, MI  48350

Make checks payable to DLHA

We now accept Venmo:  Paula DixieLakeHomeowners

Thank you for supporting the Dixie Lake Homeowners Association!

Today’s Visits: 0

Total Visits Since 03/25/2023: 3,899